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Bid Solicitation: S-10000-00006610
Header Information
Bid Number:
Request for Proposals for Opportunities for Self-Advocacy Innovative Projects
Bid Opening Date:
01/26/2024 03:00:00 PM
Louie Thomas
Oregon Department of Human Services
10025 - Office of Developmental Disabilities Services
99999 - DD Administration
Fiscal Year:
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
11/16/2023 09:00:00 AM
Info Contact:
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
A non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 11:00 AM PST and December 12, 2023, at 2:00 PM PST. Please refer to subsection 4.2 of the Solicitation document and amendment 2.
Bulletin Desc:
The goal of the Self-Advocacy projects awarded under this RFP is to provide new creative and innovative projects to strengthen Self-Advocacy for Individuals with I/DD who are receiving ODDS services, or innovative solutions in expanding, supporting, or enhancing an existing program or project.
Ship-to Address:
Bill-to Address:
Print Format:
File Attachments:
S-10000-00006610 RFP.pdf
S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 2.pdf
S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 3.pdf
S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 4 - Notice of Intent to Award Contracts.pdf
S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 5- REVISED Notice of Intent to Award Contracts.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment A - Proposer Information and Certification Sheet.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment B - Response to the RFP Minimum Requirements.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment E - Disclosure Exemption Affidavit.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment F - Certified Disadvantaged Business Outreach Plan.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment G - Responsibility Inquiry.pdf
S-10000-00006610 Attachment H - Sample Contract.pdf
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
Discipline Type:
Personal Services
Procurement Method:
Competitive Sealed Proposal
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
11/17/2023 11:10:42 AM
Corrected attachment issues in OregonBuys. No changes to the RFP itself were made. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 2. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment A - Proposer Information and Certification Sheet.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 3. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment B - Response to the RFP Minimum Requirements.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 4. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment E - Disclosure Exemption Affidavit.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 5. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment F - Certified Disadvantaged Business Outreach Plan.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 6. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment G - Responsibility Inquiry.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 7. File 'S-10000-00006610 Attachment H - Sample Contract.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "Yes".
11/29/2023 06:54:17 PM
Amendment 2 is issued to include a second Pre-Proposal Conference on December 12, 2023, at 2:00 PM PST, and to change the virtual platform for both Pre-Proposal Conferences to Zoom. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 2.pdf': File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 2.pdf' added .
12/08/2023 01:56:45 PM
Amendment 3 extends the Proposal Opening Date, the date when Proposals are due, to January 26, 2024. Changes are also made to subsection 1.2 "Schedule" to accommodate the time extension. Header 1. Bid Opening Date changed from "12/29/2023 03:00:00 PM" to "01/26/2024 03:00:00 PM". 2. Pre-Bid Conference changed from "A non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 11:00 AM PDT via MS Teams. Please refer to subsection 4.2 of the Solicitation document." to "A non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 11:00 AM PST and December 12, 2023, at 2:00 PM PST. Please refer to subsection 4.2 of the Solicitation document and amendment 2.". Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 3.pdf': File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 3.pdf' added .
03/14/2024 11:44:18 AM
Notice of Intent to Award.
03/20/2024 05:08:13 PM
A Revised and Corrected Notice of Intent to Award, replacing the previously posted notice. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 5- REVISED Notice of Intent to Award Contracts.pdf': File 'S-10000-00006610 RFP Amendment 5- REVISED Notice of Intent to Award Contracts.pdf' added .
Item Information
Item # 1: ( 952 - 85 )
Two opportunities are available: one Primary opportunity not to exceed $250,000; and a maximum of ten Individual opportunities, not to exceed $75,000 each. Potential Proposers are only eligible to submit one Proposal for this Solicitation, whether for the Primary Contract or one of the Individual Contract opportunities. ODHS reserves the right to negotiate with unsuccessful Proposers of the Primary Contract to reduce the scope of their Proposal to fit the Individual Contract criteria.
NIGP Code:
Support Services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Quote #
Date Last Modified