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Bid Solicitation: S-58100-00010984
Header Information
Bid Number:
Grant Application for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
Bid Opening Date:
08/29/2024 05:00:00 PM
Karen Kay Harrison
Department of Education
58101 - ODE Procurement
PROC - Public Service Building
Fiscal Year:
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
07/16/2024 05:00:00 PM
Info Contact:
Katie Dorsey
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
Pre-Application Conference July 24, 2024, 10:00 AM (see Section 1.4 of the RFA).
Bulletin Desc:
The Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan was developed at the direction of the Legislature to develop and implement strategies to address historic and current systemic inequities experienced by Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students through focused investments and partnerships with community-based organizations, school districts, Tribal governments, education service districts, early learning providers, and post-secondary institutions.
Ship-to Address:
Bill-to Address:
Print Format:
File Attachments:
Amendment 7 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf
Amendment 7 - Attach 1 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08082024-08262024.pdf
Amendment 6 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf
Amendment 6 Attach 1 - RFA Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08162024.pdf
Amendment 5 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf
NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 2.pdf
Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf
Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf
Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf
Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf
Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx
Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf
Addendum #1
Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf
Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf
Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf
Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx
Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx
Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf
Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
Discipline Type:
Subgrantee (non-procurement)
Procurement Method:
Notice Type:
Other Notice Type:
Request for Application (RFA)
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
08/05/2024 03:54:15 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Addendum #1': File 'Addendum #1' added . 2. File 'NHPI_RFA 2024.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "2". 3. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "3". 4. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "4". 5. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "5". 6. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "0" to "6". 7. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "0" to "7". 8. File 'ATTACHMENT F-NHPI_Project_Budget.xlsx': Order changed from "0" to "8". 9. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "9". 10. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "10".
08/07/2024 11:55:11 AM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf' added . 2. File 'Amendment 2 - Attach 1 NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 1.pdf': File 'Amendment 2 - Attach 1 NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 1.pdf' added . 3. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx' added . 4. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf' added . 5. File 'NHPI_RFA 2024.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "13". 6. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "3" to "6". 7. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "7". 8. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "5" to "8". 9. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "6" to "9". 10. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "7" to "10". 11. File 'ATTACHMENT F-NHPI_Project_Budget.xlsx': Order changed from "8" to "14". 12. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "9" to "11". 13. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "12". 14. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "1" to "5".
08/08/2024 04:24:42 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf' added . 2. File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf': File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf' added . 3. File 'NHPI_RFA 2024.pdf': Order changed from "13" to "15". 4. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "6" to "8". 5. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "7" to "9". 6. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "8" to "10". 7. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "9" to "11". 8. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "10" to "12". 9. File 'ATTACHMENT F-NHPI_Project_Budget.xlsx': Order changed from "14" to "16". 10. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "11" to "13". 11. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "12" to "14". 12. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "5" to "7". 13. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': Order changed from "1" to "3". 14. File 'Amendment 2 - Attach 1 NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 1.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "4". 15. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': Order changed from "3" to "5". 16. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "6".
08/09/2024 02:38:18 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': File 'Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf' added . 2. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "8" to "9". 3. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "9" to "10". 4. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "11". 5. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "11" to "12". 6. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "12" to "13". 7. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "13" to "14". 8. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "14" to "15". 9. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "7" to "8". 10. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': Order changed from "3" to "4". 11. File 'Amendment 2 - Attach 1 NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 1.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "5". 12. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': Order changed from "5" to "6". 13. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': Order changed from "6" to "7". 14. File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "1" to "2". 15. File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "3".
08/14/2024 03:54:28 PM
Amendment #5 is to replace the Amendment #2 Attachment 1 Request for Application (RFA) Revision 1 with Amendment #5 Attachment 1 RFA Revision #2: Table of Contents Replaced; RFA Schedule Modified Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 5 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': File 'Amendment 5 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf' added . 2. File 'NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 2.pdf': File 'NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 2.pdf' added . 3. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "9" to "10". 4. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "11". 5. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "11" to "12". 6. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "12" to "13". 7. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "13" to "14". 8. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "14" to "15". 9. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "15" to "16". 10. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "8" to "9". 11. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "6". 12. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': Order changed from "6" to "7". 13. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': Order changed from "7" to "8". 14. File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "4". 15. File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf': Order changed from "3" to "5". 16. File 'Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "1" to "3".
08/16/2024 03:00:06 PM
The purpose of this amendment is to provide Frequently Asked Questions/Questions and Answers (FAQ/Q&A) for Program Specific and new General Questions to the Request for Application (RFA) Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 6 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': File 'Amendment 6 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf' added . 2. File 'Amendment 6 Attach 1 - RFA Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08162024.pdf': File 'Amendment 6 Attach 1 - RFA Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08162024.pdf' added . 3. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "12". 4. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "11" to "13". 5. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "12" to "14". 6. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "13" to "15". 7. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "14" to "16". 8. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "15" to "17". 9. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "16" to "18". 10. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "9" to "11". 11. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': Order changed from "6" to "8". 12. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': Order changed from "7" to "9". 13. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': Order changed from "8" to "10". 14. File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "6". 15. File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf': Order changed from "5" to "7". 16. File 'Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "3" to "5". 17. File 'Amendment 5 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "1" to "3". 18. File 'NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 2.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "4".
08/27/2024 10:17:57 AM
The purpose of this amendment is to provide new Frequently Asked Questions/Questions and Answers (FAQ/Q&A) for Program Specific and new General Questions to the Request for Application (RFA) and to consolidate all questions into one (1) document. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment 7 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': File 'Amendment 7 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf' added . 2. File 'Amendment 7 - Attach 1 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08082024-08262024.pdf': File 'Amendment 7 - Attach 1 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08082024-08262024.pdf' added . 3. File 'Attachment A-Sample Grant_NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "12" to "14". 4. File 'Attachment B-NHPI_Smartsheet Application Link.pdf': Order changed from "13" to "15". 5. File 'Attachment C-Recorded Program Eligibility Questionnaire~3.pdf': Order changed from "14" to "16". 6. File 'Attachment D-NHPI_Partnership Form.docx': Order changed from "15" to "17". 7. File 'Attachment E-NHPI_Activities Table.xlsx': Order changed from "16" to "18". 8. File 'Attachment G-Student Success Plan Grant Expenditure Guidance_2024-25 (1)~3.pdf': Order changed from "17" to "19". 9. File 'Attachment H- Interim NHPI SSP.pdf': Order changed from "18" to "20". 10. File 'Addendum #1': Order changed from "11" to "13". 11. File 'Amendment 2 RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI Final.pdf': Order changed from "8" to "10". 12. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 2- ATTACHMENT F-Project_Budget Revision 1~2.xlsx': Order changed from "9" to "11". 13. File 'Amendment 2 Attach 3 - Informational Webinar-Student Success Grant Programs RFAs - Link-Slide Deck~1.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "12". 14. File 'Amendment 3 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "6" to "8". 15. File 'Amendment 3 Attach 1 - RFA General FAQ-Q&A 08082024~2.pdf': Order changed from "7" to "9". 16. File 'Amendment 4 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "5" to "7". 17. File 'Amendment 5 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "3" to "5". 18. File 'NHPI RFA 2024 Final Revision 2.pdf': Order changed from "4" to "6". 19. File 'Amendment 6 - RFA S-58100-00010984 NHPI.pdf': Order changed from "1" to "3". 20. File 'Amendment 6 Attach 1 - RFA Program Specific-General FAQ-Q&A 08162024.pdf': Order changed from "2" to "4".
Item Information
1-5 of 29
Item # 1: ( 952 - 39 )
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
NIGP Code:
Employment Generating Activities
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 2: ( 952 - 40 )
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
NIGP Code:
Elderly Assistance Services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 3: ( 952 - 43 )
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
NIGP Code:
Family and Social Services, Including Shopping and Buying Services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 4: ( 952 - 47 )
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
NIGP Code:
Foster Care Services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 5: ( 952 - 51 )
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan
NIGP Code:
Head Start Program
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
1-5 of 29
Quote #
Date Last Modified