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Welcome to OregonBuys

System Use Notification: Access to this system is restricted to authorized users only. The system contains U.S. Government and State of Oregon information. Unauthorized access, use, or modification of this system or of data contained herein may constitute a violation of ORS 164.377, Title 18 of U.S. Code 2511, or other applicable state or federal law. Individuals accessing this system without authorization or, in excess of their authority, may be subject to penalties, fines or, imprisonment. By logging into the system, you acknowledge that you are authorized by the State of Oregon to access the system and the information contained within and consent to monitoring of your use of the system. The State of Oregon may conduct monitoring activities without notice. For additional information see our Terms of Use document.

Supplier Help Desk

Please contact us at support.oregonbuys@das.oregon.gov or 1-855-800-5046 for assistance.

State Agency / OrCPP User Help Desk

Please contact us at epro-support@periscopeholdings.com or 1-888-472-9102 for assistance.

Agency Name Change

Oregon Liquor Control Commission has changed their agency name to Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. This change was authorized with the passage of House Bill 2111 during the 2021 legislative session. The effective date of the bill was August 2, 2021.

Demographic Data Categories

We recently added three new Vendor Categories to OregonBuys to capture demographic data about our vendors. Visit https://tinyurl.com/HowWillMyDataBeUsed to learn more about how Oregon will use this information.
Capitol building at sunset image